We’ve always stressed the importance of keeping a tab on how often models should update photos on their ePortfolios. We need them to accurately relate to clients why they’ll be the best models for their campaigns. It’s difficult to put forward a model for a specific assignment when their most recent photo has remained the same for several months or even years.

It’s always beneficial for models to dip into their Models Direct accounts from time-to-time, if only because it’s a good habit to get into. You may find that your current photos (and information) need changing, swapping or deleting. Regularly logging into your ePortfolios will increase a model’s chances of being recommended for assignments, as clients will appreciate your fresh looks. Trends come and go, and models are certainly not required to change their looks purely to keep up-to-date with fashion fads. However, having current portfolio pictures is essential for every model, no matter which look you have at the time.
It’s not just photos that models need to keep an eye on. The same principle applies to measurements and statistics. Models have different information that needs to be accurate for everyone involved in the modelling process. This is because we have the largest selection of types of models, and sometimes a client’s brief can be fairly exact – and this where measurements and stats come into play.
There are many examples of a model’s measurements and stats, all of which should be reflected accurately in portfolios. As with any nuggets of information, they should be precise, current and accurate.
The most logical measurement is a model’s size. This can be one of the following two:

- Accurately telling us your height – this is especially true for teen models due to suddenly growth spurts. We emphasise that we always need models of any height on our books, but it’s helpful for our clients to know how tall models are.
- Our plus-size models continue to enjoy plenty of assignments. As a lot of clients specifically request these sought-after models, indicating your current dress size or waist measurements is paramount. There’s no shame in putting on a few pounds, either!
If you’re especially proud of your hands and feet, don’t take them for granted and assume that your six-month-old photos are relevant just because the initial photos looked good. We need to see the improved results if you’ve had a stunning new pedicure or recently visited the nail salon. Hand and feet modelling is a specific genre where clients can instantly see quality. Don’t be shy showing them off.
Are you blessed with envious locks? Have you had a trendy cut recently, or grown your hair a few inches longer than your old photos depict? If so, take a couple of photos and upload them to your portfolio. We need to be aware of any new measurements – and that includes changes in your hair – as soon as possible.
Lastly, all contact details need to be up-to-date. There’s no point in uploading brand spanking new photos if we can’t get in touch with you to tell you our clients have picked you for their next assignment.