First experiences are usually exciting and nerve-wracking in equal measure. It could be a job interview, a driving test, a long-haul flight or a blind date. Either way, it’s the feeling of the unknown that is most likely to stir the emotions. Modelling is no different, although we’re sure that a first assignment will be more enjoyable than a job interview and often more successful than a first date.

We’ll split this blog into two parts: emotionally and practically.
Emotionally, models take with them several different feelings – all of which are perfectly natural. No one has ice in their veins; nerves can strike at any time even in the most confident of souls. We wouldn’t be human if that wasn’t the case.
So, models need to take three essential emotions on their first model booking:
- Confidence. Having the ability to know you’re the right person for the job is something that’s not as easy to acquire as it sounds. We’re not talking about arrogance. We’re talking about eliminating negativity and backing your own merits. Remember – we recommend models to our clients because we think they’ll be perfect for the role. Clients, though, always choose their preferred model. So, if you are picked, you’re the client’s ideal candidate, so models should have faith in their modelling ability. You’ve made great strides by being selected, so embrace it.
2. Nerves. Everyone knows the “butterflies in the stomach” sensation. Adrenaline is released in times of stress, meaning blood pressure and heart rate is increased, sending more blood to the muscles. This perfectly natural, of course, where you body responds to anxiety. Nerves can work in your favour: they can concentrate the mind and prepare you for action. Perfect for your first booking.
3. Excitement. Securing your first booking is a proud moment. Models should be excited about meeting new people, succeeding on set, and looking forward to future bookings.
Practically speaking, models must concentrate on a few essentials. Above all, they should be prepared and have read through our brief we receive from clients. Here are the all-important tips:

1. Make sure you have the client’s name, main contact, address and phone number before setting off. If you think you’re missing some essential information, please speak to our team prior to the booking.
2. If the brief requires you to bring specific clothing (e.g. tie or black dress to portray formality, jeans and trainers for an outdoor shoot), take two pairs of each.
3. Take make-up if you wish, although you may not be required to use it.
4. Water is essential…

5. …As is having a fully charged phone.
6. If your baby has been chosen, don’t forget nappies, wipes, food, toys and spare clothes.
7. Our pet models are always very popular. Take all their creature comforts as you would if taking them away for a few days: bedding, toys, water bowls etc. We want all animals to be as comfortable as possible.
8. Consider the time of year. If the forecast is dreary, take a decent waterproof coat; likewise, take suncream and a hat on summer assignments, even if the job is inside – you may feel hot and bothered even just walking a few minutes to the location.
Find more information here on your first booking with us – the first of many we hope!