“The States”, “U S of A”, “The United States”, “The US” or simply “America”, The United States of America is perhaps the most famous country in the world, whichever nickname you care to choose. It’s also been dubbed “The Land of Opportunity”, and this moniker is as relevant today as it was all those years ago. Indeed, in 2020 Elon Musk made reference to the opportunities the US provides – slap bang in the middle of the pandemic. Even during the uncertainty, the South African businessman-extraordinaire remained optimistic that the US could afford its citizens the hope of better times.

The US is a powerhouse in its own right. Just about all types of industry have blossomed here, with many continuing to grow. Sure, some industries have waned, but economic glitches can occur anywhere. No one doubts the US’s status as a global driving force, nor should they. In short, the US’s influence is here to stay.
For decades, the US has been seen by many as the forerunner of modeling. With the increase in social media impact and the continued advertising sway on TV and in print, the significance of modeling has reached monumental levels. The US fashion industry alone has been valued at around $340 billion. Staggering…or is it? Even if you aren’t surprised at the stat, just think about the potential for commercial models in all the other industries – a list of which would be too long to mention.

Modeling is a business’s trump card; the ace in the pack. Yet in the age of CGI wizardry and all manner of digital gadgetry, the human touch still remains a good bet for brands looking to appeal to current and prospective customers. And never more so than the US. Models throughout the vast country – from the Eastern Seaboard to the more laidback California coast, from the remoteness of Alaska to the Midwest and south to the Gulf of Mexico – are snapped up by brands to help appeal to one of the most diverse populations on the planet. Has there been a better time to be a model in the US?

A lot of us know the basic geography of the US. Its four most populated states – California, Texas, Florida and New York – comprise about a third of the country’s 340 million inhabitants. So it’s understandable that models based in these four states have massive opportunities due to the huge customer base available to national and global brands.
We’re always emphasizing that almost anyone can succeed in the world of commercial modeling. It’s one of the most diverse industries, because brands need a broad spectrum of models to appeal to the vast variety of customers.
Forget the high fashion catwalks and the paparazzi.
Commercial modeling means finding the right models to represent a brand or campaign, and the human touch has never been so important. Whether it’s promotional modelling in sports arenas and on the streets, fashion modeling in catalogues or appearing in influential photo shoots, the US is indeed “The Land of Opportunity”.