Models, you know we love to see your new and seasonal photographs uploaded on to your e-portfolios.
And would-be models, those who are considering joining us, you will need to have a selection of pictures when you create your on-line portfolio and this could be a great time of year to take them.

Most of us are very busy in December: there are all sorts of work and family events and outings – and many occasions to dress up and look our best!
But, given the time of year, many of these are likely to be indoors and so it is worth reading through these top tips for taking pictures inside on your phone before getting started:
1 If your phone has a reasonable camera there is no reason why you shouldn’t take your modelling shots on it. Just be careful to save, send and upload them at their original size so they don’t become pixelated or blurred when we see them.
2 Clean the camera lens on your phone before starting.
3 Always suggest that the friend or relative taking the pictures uses a phone tripod. This will make for much sharper images and will give you a chance to position yourself and frame the image well.
4 If your phone has a setting for indoor photography then use it.
5 Try to avoid using flash photography if possible as this can cause the pictures to be washed out or flat. Experiment with the flash on and off, take some pictures with natural light sources from windows lighting your face and also try shots with artificial lights on and off. You will soon see what works well within your particular indoor setting.
6 Try using the portrait mode on your phone to see how some close-up of head and shoulders images turn out.

7 Think about the composition of your photograph – make sure you sit well within the overall shot.
8 Consider your background – quite apart from indoor settings often being busy, they are prime for ending up with pictures where house plants look like they are coming out of your head or there are distracting shadows and reflections on walls behind you!
9 Finally, take lots of pictures in different locations, poses and positions, as well as various lights, then discard anything that doesn’t work. One of the great beauties of digital photography is that you can snap away, taking hundreds of pictures to end up with that one perfect shot that you love!