For all of you with curious minds, if you’re exploring this popular question that appears frequently amongst not just our potential and existing Models Direct models, but our clients too, we’ll explore how we stand apart from showcase agencies. Let’s take a look:

Instead of placing images up to cut corners, humans are keeping it real
You may or may not already know but showcase agencies can only literally do what their name suggests – showcase models’ images online or in print. Their capacity as an agency quite literally and legally stops there and moves no further. For them, it’s all about waiting and seeing who will notice and book their models. There’s no grit or hard graft behind this process. It’s a very laid-back approach and is almost as though if it’ll happen, it’ll happen and if it doesn’t, then it doesn’t!
Models Direct on the other hand is a long-standing UK modelling employment agency that has a team of professionals all working together to get our phenomenal and diverse models noticed and booked by tried and trusted clients. Our team has core principles we follow when working towards securing jobs for all of our models. They are:
Building rapport with brands and businesses
Having a specific agent who really knows their models, not just someone familiar with their model’s portfolio images.
Having an agent who they can trust and contact whenever they need help, advice and support.

From our client’s perspective, we know that they’re busy people who are often pressed for time. This often happens to be the reason they turn to a modelling employment agency just like ourselves who can fulfil the following:
Search for suitable and reliable models
Set up casting calls, auditions or self-tapes
Negotiate fees
Organise modelling logistics
Our passion for modelling truly shows with the challenges, grit and perseverance our booking team demonstrates every day when it comes to finding our model’s work.
Clients are fully screened

The difference when it comes to clients looking to hire a showcase agency vs an employment agency is that the latter conducts specific checks on not just a few of our clients but ALL of them regardless of whether they’re renowned or not – which MD does too. Showcase agencies do not guarantee these checks as it’s not part of their typical business duties.
Models receive timely payments, every time

No hiccups here! Our agency ensures that our models are paid on time with the negotiated payment within five working days after completion of the modelling gig – without fail.
Showcase agencies cannot guarantee this which makes releasing payments that much more volatile when working with this type of agency.
Regulated by the Department of Business, Innovations and Skills BIS
This important factor demonstrates that our agency adheres to operating ethically, fostering innovation and investing in skills such as training programs to ensure that best business practices are followed. Showcase agencies look over this and do not follow this making them an unstable modelling to rely on.
Annnnnd, there you have it, loyal readers. Thanks for sticking around to the end to read this all-important blog for those who were just wondering what the difference between us and showcase agencies was. We hope that we’ve cleared up some misconceptions but as always, if you have any burning questions, please let our team know and we’ll be happy to help – always!