Toddlers are ever so cute! They get up to the sweetest antics and busy themselves with understanding the world around them. There’s never a dull moment with a mini-me around, and we’re sure anyone who has a little one on their tiny feet all day has their smartphone on standby ready to take some memorable snaps. Sound like something you can relate to? Parents, guardians and family friends of toddler models will know just how important taking photos is. You’ll be filling your bambino’s ePortfolio up faster than you can say ready, set, go!

Being a model of any age entails being in front of the camera, surrounded by a busy team of makeup artists, production team, coordinators, directors and other models. It’s part of the job, and prepping them for this journey can begin with you taking creative images and getting them accustomed to the sound of your camera clicking and pointing at them. Preschoolers may need a bit more time since their understanding is building at an astronomical rate, and they’ll know (and let you know too) exactly what they like and what they don’t like!
Models Direct have a few handy tips on what the best photo-snapping practices are so that your inquisitive one can be camera-ready, or simply just comfortable around you taking photos.
1. Spontaneous pictures can be the best
Orchestrated images can be cute because the viewer can see you’ve tried, but overdoing it can backfire where a photo can appear unnatural. A lovely action shot of your baby toddler playing with their toys, tidying around the house, playing in the garden or even experiencing the great outdoors are just a few ideas to whip out the smartphone (making sure it’s fully charged and ready to go).
2. Uncluttered background
Keep your toddler’s surroundings as clean as possible as the aim of the picture is not to draw attention to the clutter behind the subject, and in this case, your infant. The focus always should be on your adorable little person.
3. Keep your mini-me clean
Clear away food splodges, crop grass stains out and keep it a dummy-free zone. Sometimes you can capture a really sweet image that’s not “perfect” so to speak because that’s life! But keep snapping and see which images are the best to put forward and take it from there. You never know, a not-so-perfect-pic in your opinion might be adored by many others.
4. Capture clear photos in well-lit areas
This is an obvious tip but we couldn’t resist adding it in. Ensure your images are clear and taken in well-lit surroundings so no shadows are overcast. The best images are those that are clean and clear so the viewer can capture the essence of a child’s personality and atmosphere.
We hope you found these tips useful and keep them in mind when taking awesome snaps of your gorgeous toddler model. If you’ve landed on this page and don’t have your bambino’s foot in the modelling door yet, you sure can fire it up by hitting the apply button right here. Get an application over to our modelling agency right now and see which assignments we can book for your preschooler. Imagine that? Don’t – just apply and see what we have in store for you.