So, you’ve got an amazing outfit you’re ready to take onto your socials. This is selfie heaven – your dream zone of illuminating your social media platforms and giving them the glow up they deserve.
How do you approach your camera to get the best out of your outfit selfies? Our MD team has dressed up some great tips to make it light up!

Catch good lighting
Without a shadow of a doubt (no pun intended here!), good lighting is key to making your outfit selfie pop up. You want to be the centre of attention in your images minus any distractions such as shadows, dark, blurry areas and objects that aren’t a necessary addition to your pic. All eyes should be on you.
If you’ve got the almost perfect pic but need to make some edits then go ahead and crop out what you don’t need or switch up the contrasting colours to help it stand out. Whether you’re a female model or a senior one, these points will be sure to help!
Take a full image of your outfit
If you’re taking an outfit selfie it only makes sense to go for an image that encompasses the outfit in its full glory. Your choice of ensemble for your outfit should be showcased and added to your ePortfolio collection, after all that’s what a selfie outfit is for.
Glow up with accessories

To accessorise or not to accessorise, that is the question. Well, it really shouldn’t be if you’re out to light up your Instagram feeds and of course your ePortfolio. Models Direct has been seeing clutch bags (mini and oversized), silver jewellery and cute tights on the fashion scene so whether or not you have these accessories in your drawer or jewellery box, get some extras out that you could team up with your look and get snapping.
Bring along your friends
Friends, besties, to all the people you have in your friend’s circle, invite them over. They’ll cheer you on and support you (because that’s what true friends do!) and chances are, you’ll slay your pics! Have some of them join you too and these to your feeds.

Polish up like a profesh photographer
What we mean is, to use editing apps to refine your images if you need to. We know we say not to use filters, but editing is fine especially if you have to get things like the colour balance right if you’ve snapped a spectacular piece. Our suggestions? Try out Adobe Photoshop Camera, Snapseed and Lightroom Photo and Video Editor if you already haven’t.

We hope these five tips take your top spot for outfit selfie ideas for your Insta feed and other socials, not to forget your modelling ePortfolio!