2023 has burst through your doors (seriously, how fast is time flying?!) You’re thinking of all the wonderful things you want to achieve this year, maybe old goals you’ve wrapped…
Castings and auditions – DOs and DON’TS for our models and actors
There is nothing quite as exciting as being called to a casting session or an audition. Most of the models supplied by Models Direct go through a process where we…
Do you know how a commercial agency works?
A model’s success depends on several factors: communication, knowledge, application and determination. Whilst we know our models are happy in their work, we are always advising our models not to…
Keeping a Positive Attitude
Whether you’re a newcomer or a fully immersed model with a rising career in the modelling industry, you can face moments where work feels like it’s withdrawn. You might be…
How do I book models? Top tips for those setting up a modelling shoot
Whether you are a production company or other agent employed by major corporation or brand or a small business seeking to promote yourself, we can help you with your models….
Mother & Baby Modelling
Having a baby is a life-changing moment for new parents (whether it’s your first time or fourth), your family and friends – it’s truly an incredible experience unlike no other….
Maternity modelling
In this reading, Models Direct are revisiting a division we have always enjoyed connecting our wonderful models with maternity modelling. We are delighted to share more about this section in…
How much does a child model make?
Children are inquisitive, imaginative, charismatic and burst full of rip-roaring fun, laughter and amazing abilities. To add to their collection of strengths, they can be outgoing and adventurous which makes…
How do I get into modelling?
Now, there’s a question for aspiring models. It’s too conceited for any agency to simply answer the question with something along the lines of: “Just apply with us! That’s all…
You know how gorgeous your pet pooch is, so why not let the rest of the world see just how wonderful he is too? At Models Direct, we are always…