Everyday models are everyday people – like you, and all the other readers. That’s why the chances of securing work from us and our clients remains a very real goal…
How do I know if I am suitable for modelling?
If you are wondering whether you are suitable for modelling, then the answer is that you probably are! At Models Direct we specialise in placing everyday models in a wide…
What Happens If a Model Cancels at the Minute?
If a model can’t make it for an assignment, what happens? Does our modelling agency hold them accountable and penalise them? Or do we replace them, move on and come…
Being a model – what modelling involves and what you can achieve from it
There is nothing else quite like modelling – and no two modelling jobs are ever exactly the same! Modelling with Models Direct is a bit like opening a box of…
Why Doesn’t Models Direct Have an App?
It’s a fair question! In today’s digital age, you might be thinking that it seems unusual for our well-established UK modelling agency to not have an app for our models and clients….
Models, Are Your Photos and Details All Up to Date?
Hello, hello, loyal readers! Our MD team has to ask this question. You’re probably thinking, “Guys, I have got this covered, don’t worry, it’s all under control. My photos are fresh and…
When will I get modelling work?
First up, well done for registering with us. Some people undoubtedly aspire to break into the commercial modelling world, only to place their enthusiasm firmly on the backburner. A few…
How do I get into modelling?
There are many routes into modelling but the simplest and safest is to join a modelling agency. We have all heard stories of famous models being discovered in unusual ways….
Tips for getting into character for a modelling role
Whether you have just been given your very first modelling assignment or whether you are an old hand at performing for the camera, it is worth preparing for your forthcoming…
Do I get to see the final images from a model booking?
Taking part in a modelling assignment is exciting for all of our models – or for their parents if the models are babies or children. And the thought of seeing…