“Do not give your past the power to define the future.” We have been through one tough year and are starting another one on the same note. With restrictions in…
Stand out from the crowd – with the best portfolio photographs
They say a picture speaks a thousand words and nowhere is this more apt than in the world of modelling… At Models Direct, one of our greatest emphases is always…
The secret to my success: Spotlight on Kristina Karlsen
At Models Direct we have a number of models who are particularly successful and are selected for regular work through us as their booking agent. Kristina Karlsen is a perfect…
Items Every Teen Should Have in Their Wardrobe
Fashion trends are constantly changing or evolving. That’s what we love about fashion! There’s always something new to look forward to or something old that has had a modern spin…
Keen to be a hair and beauty model? Follow these three winter tips…
Hair and beauty account for a huge and essential part of the modelling industry and certainly offer a multitude of opportunities for anyone keen to break into the business. From…
Keeping it in the family
Families are an advertiser’s dream, and the need for them for marketing and promotional material is now even more apparent than ever. There’s been enough coverage recently regarding restrictions, furloughs…
Top tips for looking your scariest this Halloween
Calling all scary spiders and ghastly ghosts! Halloween is almost here, and it is time to start thinking about how to scare the living daylights out of your friends and…
A Beginner’s Guide to Becoming a Male Model
The modelling industry has had women at the forefront, dominating the scene for many years.. When you focus on female models, you usually think of iconic and influential females such…
The Low Down on Female Modelling
All you need to know to be a female model.. Models Direct have been representing female models for 30 years now…we’ve seen that this modelling category continues to be in…
Could you be a Lifestyle Model?
Who can be a lifestyle model? Anyone! And that means you. Yes, you! In this blog, we’ll look at some examples of “real” people and how they have become lifestyle…