We love plus size models.We’ve been shouting from the rooftops for some time about the pros of plus size modelling – and the feedback from everyone has been outstanding…but not…
Taking Photos of Your Toddler
Toddlers are ever so cute! They get up to the sweetest antics and busy themselves with understanding the world around them. There’s never a dull moment with a mini-me around,…
Autumn Make-Up & Beauty Trends with Models Direct
It’s time to be autumn-ready! We are! Are you? For those of you who love it when the days begin to get shorter and the nights draw out faster, you…
Does my pet have what it takes to be a model?
You’d normally associate models with humans strutting it down the catwalk in Milan, creating a demo for a beauty ad or even a glossy print in a mag, but what…
Modelling Your Relationships with Models Direct
A sneak peek into the expanding world of relationships and breaking barriers positively. Whatever you have in mind for the rest 2022, make it a good one and have solid…
Mature models
Modelling can be many things – enjoyable, lucrative, satisfying. Another component of modelling is that it is mostly devoid of barriers, meaning it can be a viable option for most…
Modelling with Perfect Imperfections
What a blog title! But what do we mean by “imperfections?” Everyone has imperfections, right? These might be physical features about ourselves that we see as being not-so-perfect, which we…
New Beginnings – A September Start for Modelling
It has been a good summer and hopefully most of us will have had some kind of break and will be ready and raring again to get back to work…
It’s Time for Video Feedback
Models Direct are turning it up a notch and asking our models to get their video mode activated. Watch out for our new and improved feedback, coming to a screen…
High Street Vs Designer Brands: Is it Affordable to Look On Trend?
Let’s Head Out to Town! The thing is, do you want to go into town now? With the cost of living going through the roof, many of us are having…