Why Haven’t I Been Selected?

Not heard anything back yet from our team? Are you feeling a bit disheartened? Maybe deflated? Not sure whether you want to carry on with modelling? This blog will discuss…

Mature models

Take a vibrant adult of any age over 50 years, add a good dollop of enthusiasm, pop in a large dose of ambition and finish off with a splash of…

Autumn Looks for Budding Models

As the summer draws to a close, the beauty of falls awaits us. One of the many things Models Direct looks out for is what’s on the fashion scene. Why?…

Tips on Staying Focused

We cannot believe we’re already heading towards the end of the year. How did that happen? Well, such is the nature of time. It keeps ticking and waits for no…

Photographer’s 7 top tips for models

Models Direct has lots of pointers for both aspiring and experienced models as evident by the link below: However, even though we’re fascinated with everything associated with commercial modelling, we…