Heading off on a very first assignment can be daunting for grown-up male and female models, let alone children or teens!

So, it is important to do everything you can to reassure and prepare them.
First of all, it’s essential to know that your point of contact here at Models Direct will do all they can to help you prepare your child.
They will give you lots of information about the photo or film shoot and tell you whether you need to dress your child in a particular way or bring any special props from home.
They will also suggest you bring plenty of toys, games and refreshments to keep them busy when they are not required on set.

If they have the information, they will let you know who will be there to meet you on the day, the people the crew is likely to include and whether any other child models are taking part.
Once you have all this information, you can spend a little time practising striking poses with your child.
The best way of doing this is to take them to a mirror – then get them to try out a few expressions: happy, sad, quizzical and thoughtful, perhaps.

Ask them to make funny, silly faces and then to be completely normal again.
Try to make them laugh to show them how much fun performing for the camera can be and try different poses with them sitting on a chair, lying on a cushion and standing up.
Then, get out some of their toys or books and ask them to play or read while you take a few more photos.
Turn a light or two on and gently direct it towards them, then ask them to look up at you and smile as you take another round of snaps.
Click away as they play, calling for their attention from time to time to get them to look up.
The team on the day will know how to get the very best from your little one and from the other models on set – but practising striking a few poses ahead of time will certainly help put your child at ease.