Models Direct have focused on how to protect your skin in the summer, it’s now time to look at how to shield it in the winter.

The winter is harsh on our skins and it’s really important to take care of it. The biting cold weather and dry air can really quench its thirst and wreak havoc with the condition of our skin.
Here are some tips to help you combat the icy conditions so your skin can come out of winter looking its best.
Gently cleanse, tone and moisturise
Your skin needs a regime even during the winter period but it needs switching up a bit. How? Be even more gentle with it, please. When cleansing and toning, use gentle, natural ingredients.
Layer your skin with a thicker moisturiser so that it can stay softened throughout the cold hours of the day and night. Choose a moisturiser that suits your skin type – normal, dry, sensitive, oily or combination which are the five common types of skin. Use a gentle lip scrub and lip balm too to protect your lips!

Don’t forget to apply sunscreen
The sun never stops shining unless it’s night but whenever it pops up, use a high SPF factor sunscreen to block those UV rays. We might think that the winter sun is less harsh than the summer’s but it’s still the same source of light omitting good and not-so-good rays. Please use SPF all year round to shield your skin.
Drink plenty of water and stay healthy
Keeping hydrated is paramount no matter how old you are and what season you’re passing through. Keeping yourself watered from the inside will help you stay hydrated on the outside. Skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis can be triggered and flare up in the winter weather so drinking water can help.
Keep in check that you’re eating healthy too. When the winter comes, we know how tempting it’s to indulge in lots of hot beverages and treats, it’s comfort eating at its very best. Keep your diet balanced and remember it’s okay to enjoy some delish food and drinks from time to time but eating healthy is a health goal.
Avoid bathing with hot water
As tempting as it can be to plunge into a hot bath (hopefully not with a splash, we don’t have a slipping hazard on our hands!) or walk into a lovely warm shower, both can strip your body’s natural oils so stick to lukewarm water instead. This will hopefully keep your own skin’s moisture locked in without irritating it and making it feel sad.
Layer up with protective accessories

With the winter weather comes winter accessories such as gloves, scarves and hats to safeguard your skin from the cold. Whenever you head out into subzero weather, be sure to layer up and add those must-have protective accessories.
Have a humidifier? Use it!
With the central heating on most of the day and night, it can seriously dry out your indoor air. To bring it back to life and add that much-needed moisture that your skin needs at this time, use an energy-efficient humidifier.
And that’s it for this blog. There’s more of where this has come from so go ahead and dive into our library full of blogs that cover so many areas of the modelling world and what are agency is involved in!