When we’re young we want to look older and when we’re older we want to look younger. This is a notion that isn’t always set in stone for everyone but it can be pretty common amongst the youths and those that are hitting the 30s and 40s age bracket. In the case of ageing, men and women might shrug off the first sign of white hair or wrinkles, or they might go into a complete frenzy. Either way, we’ve got you! We know what it’s like getting older; it’s inevitable but that doesn’t mean you can’t still look stunning – look at all the gorgeous mature people out there! Mature models are just an example of beauty defying age barriers and limitations.
Since everyone seems to be on the hunt for a magic potion to look younger, Models Direct have some tips every woman should know to help her look her best regardless of her age.
1. Take care of your skin
Good skincare is vital. It’s best to start little but often so that you build up to a sustainable beauty regime. Often, you can end up purchasing one too many products (or no products at all) which can end up gathering cobwebs or expiring. Figure out what your skin type is and purchase accordingly. Read reviews to help guide you too because the influence of others’ journeys using the item you’re researching will help you decide whether or not you should be spending your money. Age-defying products? Embrace age, not mask or push it away.

2. Don’t forget your hair (and teeth)
Hair care and teeth care shouldn’t be neglected either. As we age, our hair changes (texture, condition and volume) as well as the condition of our teeth. It’s good to take care of yourself because not only will you look good on the outside, you’ll feel good on the inside which will boost your self-confidence. If you’re a mature model, being in front of the camera will be no problem.
3. Out with the old, in with the new
You don’t need to switch your wardrobe up so often because it’s expensive and if you’ve got clothes dated a decade ago which still fit, then perfect. However, your body shape does change over time and sometimes it’s nice to switch things around in your clothes and accessories section to help you feel your best.
4. Love you
A big part of looking your best is feeling your best. Take time out to pause, reflect and appreciate who you are. By valuing yourself, your abilities and skills, and what you have to offer yourself and the world around you, you’ll kick-start a feel-good journey of self-love. Love you for being you. That’s one of the biggest gifts you can give yourself because it doesn’t matter what anyone else says – whether that’s positive or negative – it all comes from you and how you view yourself.
Embrace your age; life is too short to hide. Running towards new challenges and opportunities, like becoming a mature model, is liberating so fearlessly follow your path and be confidently you, female silver foxes. 40+? Bring it on!