Models Direct are turning it up a notch and asking our models to get their video mode activated. Watch out for our new and improved feedback, coming to a screen near you!
Once upon a brainstorming session
We’ve been through a dramatic change in the way our world moves where so many ways of networking have been established. Zoom, Skype, and Google Meets are a few popular platforms which are enabling users to communicate via video in real-time whether it’s for working from home or just connecting up with friends and family. We’re using these services, and we’re pretty sure you have too – aren’t they just brilliant?!
Models Direct took some inspiration from this technological change where we put our thinking caps on and got thinking about all the different ways our marvellous models could convey their feedback on their modelling assignments. We thought to ourselves, “Why not try something different?” Our traditional method for feedback from our lovely models has been in written form over the years. Our hub of reviews which we’ve gathered is astronomical where even our feedback has had positive feedback for being so comprehensive. Head on over to our reviews section to check them out if you want to read what our models have had to say.
Easier to compile
We thought, with the way the world is trending, videos are the faster way of pumping easily accessible content out there.
Videos are a fantastic way of communicating and when you’ve got an aim to tell Models Direct followers, and our audience at large, that you’ve had a fab assignment and are eager to fill them in with all the juicy details, it’s no wonder why video feedback would be more favourable in some respects rather than textual feedback.
The goal is that videos will help shape viewers’ understanding of the model’s experience better by immersing them in their experience. Videos will be sharable helping them to extend their reach and also get models seen. Double bonus! Hands up who wouldn’t want to have that kind of exposure and share their unique opportunity with others? What’s more, we’ll be promoting our video feedback across our social media channels too! Yes!

Get video-ready
Showcasing your true self on camera can be a bit daunting especially if you’ve never done it before. However, as the saying goes: practice makes perfect and once you start getting into the swing of it, recording yourself will help boost your confidence.
Or being in front of a lens could just be your thing, flipping the camera around ready for some rolling. You might be a pro at capturing yourself on video and finding yourself in your comfort zone, ready to express your thoughts and recount events knowing that countless people will be on the other side watching and listening to you.
Either way, here are a few tips we can offer so that you can get ready to capture rocking video feedback:
· Find a quiet place
Make sure your battery isn’t low, and locate a perfect spot you can kick-start your vid comfortably.
· Compose a short script
You don’t need to do a lengthy first-time vid; something short and sweet is a perfect way to ease yourself into creating fantastic content.
· Don’t put pressure on yourself
You’ll make mistakes, bloopers and there’ll be blips, no doubt but be kind to yourself. We all do it no matter how rehearsed we are. Allow yourself to make blunders, laugh it off and carry on.
3,2,1…let’s roll
Whether our female, male, child, teen, adult, family or mature models are on an assignment now, we’re looking forward to you and our clients meeting them and hearing from them directly via their video feedback. Let’s go!