Whether you sign up with Models Direct or another agency – or even decide to go it alone – it is essential to have realistic expectations about where this might lead to.

Joining an agency such as Models Direct, which has operated for over 30 years now and has built up strong relationships with many of the UK’s leading brands and businesses, really does give you the highest probability of finding work.
This is not only because we are a fully trusted and government-vetted, accredited and registered employment agency, but also because we are highly experienced.
Our well-known clients return to us time and time again to request models and our professional team members are continually building new rapports and seeking out new assignments for our models.
However, whenever a new model joins us, we always explain that we can never guarantee to succeed at placing any single person who is on our books.
Yes, of course, many of our models have worked for us over and over again…
And you only have to read the reviews on our website to gain an understanding of how they feel about working with us.
But, despite this, we do still have models of all types on our books who are still waiting for their first booking through us.
This is because our team members at Models Direct never make the final decision about who is offered a job.

The process is simple:
1 Our clients come to us requesting models of certain types, ages, looks and possibly experience.
2 We sift through the e-portfolios on our system and we select those who best match those requirements.
3 These are then forwarded to the client, who makes the final decision.
Ultimately, it often comes down to luck – we never know who are client will select – but there are steps our models can take to give themselves the best chance of being chosen.
They need to keep their photos and measurements up to date.
They need to tell us if their look has changed – perhaps they have a completely different hairstyle or have lost or gained weight.
They also need to refresh the photos on their e-portfolio regularly, so they have that up-to-the-minute relevancy and really stand out to us and our clients.
Any agency, company or individual who promises to find you modelling work needs to be treated very warily indeed.

So, if you are considering becoming a model, our advice is always to do your research thoroughly and find out what those who have already actually worked with an agency say about the company.
Don’t take the word of anyone purporting to be an agent or an agency themselves…
Listen to the people who have actually completed modelling assignments, they can tell you what the job has been like and how they have found the team at the agency.
And remember, if it looks too good to be true, then it probably is…