2023 has burst through your doors (seriously, how fast is time flying?!) You’re thinking of all the wonderful things you want to achieve this year, maybe old goals you’ve wrapped up and tucked away for years and have never seemed to get around to. One goal is persistently floating around in your mind and you’re thinking, “the time is nigh!” What might it be? Child modelling

Yes! Finally! Woohoo! Models Direct is there for you and with you so climb on board and we’ll answer that burning question (the same as the title, no doubt): I’m thinking of getting my child into modelling, what should I do? Thanks for asking! We will love to answer it right here in this reading, and our team hopes this delights and enlightens you. Let’s go!
So, where do you begin? From the beginning…from where it all starts, and that is research.
Research the modelling industry
First up, see what the industry’s all about. What is the child modelling sector shaping up to look like this year? It’s good to be ahead of the crowd and in the know. Who is hot off the press and featuring where, and how popular is this niche at the moment? The beauty of MD is that we embrace all real people who can then turn to win modelling projects and earn a nice pay cheque. Next up…
Select an agency that will help your child (like ours!)
Without sounding biased, Models Direct is a fair agency that represents everyday people and turns them into modelling stars. We’ve got testimonials and booking blogs for you to explore to find out more. Our mission is to help your child grow as a model so that you don’t have to do all the chasing or hard work, so simply apply here with Models Direct. We promise no sneaky costs anywhere but a one-off admin fee in return for seeking work thoroughly. Following on from this…
Submit their images online
Our dedicated ePortfolio is open to all our lovely models, which means your junior model will have a collection of great images online for us and our clients to view whenever need be. Once it’s been set up, add and share your kid’s images to demonstrate their confidence, versatility and creativity. Our experts will help guide you through this process on how best to utilise this space. It’s yours to develop and grow your child’s portfolio making it a force to be reckoned with if you follow our submission guidelines and recommendations. Moving on…

Follow us on social media
It’s a great idea to know the score with our agency by staying in the loop. There’s always so much going on and we’re active on all platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and TikTok. Subscribe to our platforms and blogs to learn more about who we are, what we represent and all the latest in the modelling industry.
Extra tips our experts have suggested to help your child’s modelling career get off to a good start are:
Talk to them about what the modelling industry is and what it will mean when they get selected for work. Walk them through what a typical day would look like or better still, you can contact our team and we can explain this in more depth to you, and them, if they wish.

Explain that it might take some time for them to be selected for an assignment since the requirements are in the hands of our clients so it’s best to stay optimistic and patient.
Encourage positive self-talk and help them develop healthy self-esteem by valuing their unique qualities and strengths.
The takeaway
Stay persistent and patient, and have realistic expectations, as success in the modelling industry can take time and hard work. This means, after you’ve applied for your school-age youngster to sign up, you can check in with how their progress is going for assignments. Ready for child modelling? We hope we’ve answered this question!