No one likes to lose out – it’s simple human nature. Modelling is competitive, so models need to know that not updating their details and photos can greatly affect their chances of being chosen by big brands for the very best modelling assignments throughout the UK. It’s tough to say it, but not updating photos could be the make or break of being a success with us, so never underestimate the influence of keeping your portfolios as current as possible.

Our clients like to know that models are proactive. Not updating photos on your portfolio could be a major disadvantage, so we urge every registered model to keep their looks and talents current.
Most industries change; it might not be from year-to-year, but all companies progress at some point. This could be a re-branding campaign, a change in personnel, a move to a new headquarters…whatever the reason for change, you can be sure that it’s for the company’s benefit. And so, models, too, should explore new avenues and seek ways to elevate them from the others that are competing for the same successes. The best way to do that is to keep portfolios fresh and tell us if you’ve changed your looks or gained new experiences that will help you get noticed by our clients.
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A lot of models ask how often they should update their details and photos on portfolios. Every model is different, but a simple answer is as often as is necessary. The worst thing any model can do is to leave photos in their portfolios, forgetting to add fresh images and assume that clients will be attracted to models who haven’t bothered to tell them how their looks have changed or what new skills they have acquired since the last time they visited their portfolio.

Broadly speaking, models should update their photos every few months. This gives us and our clients the confidence to models are taking their careers seriously, as negligence is a tell-tale sign that models expect to be offered jobs purely because of initially completing portfolios.
This is a common mistake. We have responded to some models who mention that they haven’t been offered as many jobs as they’d like. Whilst we understand their frustration, looking at their portfolio history usually suggests they haven’t kept their portfolios fresh, current and, most importantly, relevant.
Every few months is a reasonable timescale to update photos, even if you have the same look as you did when you registered with us. We want to see varied photos in different fashions. It should be apparent that if models change hairstyles or have added some new tattoos, then this must be reflected in portfolios.
In short, think of your portfolios as the first thing our clients see – much like a CV or cover letter. Clients are not mind readers, after all.
Check your contact details are still valid – if we can’t get in touch with you with the good news, it could jeopardise a fabulous Models Direct booking.