By joining a reputable, long-standing agency such as Models Direct!
Whether you are new to the industry or have modelled before, we would always recommend joining an agency.
And we would always stress that joining a fully vetted and government-regulated agency is the best and safest option.
Models Direct has been operating for over 30 years now and is an accredited employment agency.
Unlike many other individuals or companies claiming to be “agencies,” we actively seek work for our models.

We do not simply “showcase” our models – in other words, we do not just post our models’ photographs on line and wait for potential clients to come across them.
Will an agency guarantee to find me modelling work?
No. No genuine agency will ever guarantee to find you work. The system simply does not work like that.

If someone says they will definitely find work for you, then be very wary.
Our extensive list of clients and ever-increasing numbers of new clients come to us with their requirements for a modelling shoot or assignment.
We check these requests out thoroughly and, if we are happy to proceed, we go through our books to find a selection of our models who are suitable.
We give these to our client who makes their choice.
This is why we never guarantee to find anyone work – the final choice is always up to the client.
Will I be paid for modelling work?
Yes you should be paid for any modelling work you do – and if someone offers you work without payment, then you should be very cautious.
A good and trustworthy agency, such as Models Direct, will negotiate a fair fee for its models.

It will then ensure the model is paid promptly and in full soon after the assignment.
We have heard many horror stories of people replying to adverts for models and either undertaking work for free – on the promise of more work in the future, which never materialises – or never receiving payment for assignments they do.
Does working for an agency offer me security?
Yes. While we can never guarantee to find you work we always do our best to ensure we receive a steady stream of requests for models.
This involves working with existing clients we have strong relationships with and constantly reaching out to new clients.
Models who have worked with us before know just how well we look after our models.
We always ensure they are well informed about the work they undertake and we always make sure they are paid afterwards.
We carry out careful research into every assignment and we would never send any model along to a job we would not be happy to send one of our own family members along to.
If you are interested in joining us and would like more information about how Models Direct works, then fill in our form and we will contact you.