Can you hear the jingle of bells and the soft scrunch of wrapping paper yet? No? If that’s the case, we’ll assume that you’re not quite revving up for Christmas 2022 yet, which is fair enough. However, here at Models Direct, our festive preparations kick into gear when most of you are finalising your hot weather attire and selecting which sun cream is most suited for your delicate skin! That’s correct – like many forward-thinking agencies, we turn our thoughts to Christmas in the summer, with most merry campaigns finalised by early autumn. As we keep emphasising – planning is key!

Luckily for us, we have plenty of beaming and talented youngsters on our books to help our clients with an unsurprisingly large amount of Christmas bookings.
Children are synonymous with Christmas for several reasons. There are some adults who simply wish for Christmas to run swimmingly with no hiccups, with the thought of presents a distant second thought. But for children, what would Christmas be without ripping up the themed wrapping paper to reveal a gift to bring a smile to their cherubic faces? For many parents, it’s that first look of unadulterated joy that makes the Big Day so special.
We’re ultra busy in the lead-up to Christmas because our clients look for the best child models to appeal to families all across the country. Christmas is arguably the busiest time of the year, and we work hard to recommend the best-suited models to our impressive list of clients.
Take a couple of examples of child modelling in prestigious Christmas campaigns. Our “Christmas star” Noah was chosen by Sainsburys for their Christmas advert, proving Noah was indeed “the smallest person who was perfect for the biggest jobs”. This advert made his family proud of their wonder son, especially as brave Noah was born with Spina Bifida. It was an epic and memorable for success all round, and it proves that anyone with the determination to achieve great things can indeed do just that. See Noah’s triumphant modelling advert
Noah’s parent’s were jubilant upon completion of the assignment, saying, “Being on set was the most exciting part of the shoot. Watching Noah’s face light up when the cameras started rolling and when he placed the star on top of the Christmas tree really was priceless.” We’re glad it’ll be a day Noah and his family will remember for the rest of their lives.
Another special Christmas mention goes to our trio of young models Sophia, Freya and Carleon, who exchanged cheeky pleasantries with Santa Claus as part of Sky Mobile’s festive video campaign. See their playful banter with Father Christmas
Christmas is heavily family-oriented, and we were so pleased to receive a Christmas message from one of our star families, who have appeared in a pensions advert for us. The fabulous Burton family put on their glorious Christmas jumpers and sent this lovely video to us:
Proof – if there was any needed – that our models are just as grateful to us as we are to them. Modelling is a two-way process, and we couldn’t be happier when receiving fantastic feedback and gestures of goodwill. There’ll be plenty more to come, that’s for sure!
Children are so important for all types of modelling assignments, so get in touch with us if you think your child has the star quality to be seen by a wider audience as a model. After all, modelling isn’t just for Christmas.