Feedback and reviews are very important to us here at Models Direct for many reasons. Firstly, we love to hear how you have got on during your bookings. It is…
Unwind with the Perfect Evening Routine
A model’s lifestyle can be all systems go. When assignments are set, everything is bound to be busy in the run-up, during and after the project. Understandably, you’ll want the…
How Do I Get Work?
We get asked this a lot! And we mean a lot! “How do I get work?” It’s a popular question and Models Direct thought we’d demystify any clouds around this…
How do I get paid from a booking?
The jobs where employees get paid within 5 days since completion of their work are in the minority. We know that happy models make successful models. That means keeping…
How often should I update my child’s photos? Our top five suggestions…
This is a question we at Models Direct are often asked by mums and dads with child models. And we are always pleased to be asked because there are many…
Working as a Model – What’s Involved?
Are you curious about what it’s like to work as a model? Or are you intrigued to keep learning if you’re an existing one (or know someone who is?) There’s…
Top tips for taking modelling shots indoors on your phone this winter
Models, you know we love to see your new and seasonal photographs uploaded on to your e-portfolios. And would-be models, those who are considering joining us, you will need to…
The importance of showing a variety of looks in your modelling pictures
At Models Direct we always say to our models – and those who are planning to join us – to have fun with their photography and to show us lots…
Staying Warm While on Outdoor Winter Shoot/Filming
Brrrrr! When the winter months set in, those fingers, toes, noses, ears and well, pretty much everywhere can feel the bite of the cold. If you’re on your way to…
Five questions to ask yourself if you are thinking of becoming a model…
Modelling isn’t for everyone but many more of us are suited to it than we might be aware of. If you have ever considered signing up with an agency like…