Would you use us again, if so, why?“Absolutely 100%, mostly because of how easy it is to get in contact with you guys and how easy you’ve made the whole…
10 Models On Location
10 models booked for an exciting assignment in Coventry last week – for 7 of those models it was their first job!! The feedback below direct from the models, all…
Modelling on Instagram
With thousands of aspiring models & talent following Models Direct on social media, isn’t it time you did too?
Model Smiles
“Beauty is power; a smile is it’s sword” – John Ray Learning how to smile sounds ridiculous – surely everyone can do it? Models Direct gives you some helpful tips…
Showing off your skills on set
From plumbing to acting, model Terry has it all in hand…..check out how he got on on a two day filming assignment with Finish Dishwasher. Commercial modelling brings with it…
Dream Big with Models Direct
“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them” – Walt Disney NEW YEAR, NEW START….. or are new year resolutions not your thing?! It’s…
Modelling Trends for 2019
2018 has been a fantastic year for Models Direct and with industry trends continually changing, we are predicting 2019 could be a very exciting year indeed!!
Model Reviews of Poundland Assignment
These models had such a great time on their recent commercial video shoot for Poundland in Harrogate – check out their reviews… “Today I had my first experience with Models…
Is Modelling Good For Your Health?
Health and modelling often go hand in hand, with the media continually scrutinizing models figures, whatever their size, it’s hard to know what lengths models will go to to reach…
Celebrating Model Curves
At Models Direct ‘size’ is not an issue, it’s all about talent, striking features, attitude and determination – that’s what our bookers are looking for! With the modelling industry evolving…