Would you like to come with me to take a peek inside the busy agency that is Models Direct? We are always happy to reveal more about the way we…
Are There Any Requirements and Qualifications Needed to Be a Models Direct Model?
The answer: not really, but we’ll explain more as we progress into the blog. A short and sweet answer because we know that our Models Direct readers like info to…
Is modelling competitive?
Unfortunately, the answer is yes. We’ve grown rapidly since we started the business in 1990, and that growth has resulted from a rapid increase in both clients and models. This…
How Does Models Direct Agency Work?
Thanks for landing on this page. The title speaks for itself and with an inquisitive question, an insightful answer will be provided. The question that’s taken the hot seat today…
Modelling in 2025
We’ve made huge strides since beginning our operations in 1990. As another year passes, we strive to remain at the forefront of commercial modelling as an agency with everything to…
How will I know if I have been booked for a modelling job?
We’ve always been keen to tell our registered models that they must have persistence and perseverance. Modelling jobs don’t happen by dumb luck. Models should be constantly thinking of ways…
Capturing Festive Shots of You for Your ePortfolio
Sprinkle glitter and sparkle on your ePortfolio images this winter period. How? Models Direct will lend you some top tips in this new blog! Enjoy the reading, models.Your ePortfolio is a…
All about Models Direct – working with you and for you!
With over three decades of experience behind us and a wealth of understanding of how the world of modelling works, it is no surprise that we are one of the…
The Difference Between a Showcase Agency and Models Direct
For all of you with curious minds, if you’re exploring this popular question that appears frequently amongst not just our potential and existing Models Direct models, but our clients too,…
How much can a model earn?
Whilst we know that a lot of people choose to be a model with us for various reasons, getting paid for a job well done is high on a model’s…