Now, there’s a question for aspiring models. It’s too conceited for any agency to simply answer the question with something along the lines of: “Just apply with us! That’s all…
Female Models
We’ve dedicated this page to answering the most frequent questions asked about female modelling. This trio are so popular that our expert modelling team got scribbling and wanted to share…
Modelling isn’t just about looks – you could have other very useful skills…
When people think about modelling they tend to assume it all hinges on the way they look – but there is more to it than that! While our clients choose…
Models and would-be models, improve your wardrobe with these five cost-saving tips
Refreshing, improving and adding to your wardrobe always lifts the spirits – and it will also give you new looks to try out in your e-portfolio modelling shots. But we…
Modelling in Your 30s
Who says you can’t model in your 30s? Not Models Direct! You’ve hit another milestone in your life – you’ve now reached your 30s – wohoo. You’ve journeyed through life…
Will You Be Making a New Year’s Resolution?
The year is drawing to a close very soon and it’s that time where we might start to think about setting goals for the year ahead. Are you someone who…
How to beat the post-summer doldrums
Summer’s over? Boo! Summer is a superb season full of sun, sand and smiles, so many people genuinely feel a glimmer of depression when another one ends. But that’s not…
Does my pet have what it takes to be a model?
You’d normally associate models with humans strutting it down the catwalk in Milan, creating a demo for a beauty ad or even a glossy print in a mag, but what…
New Beginnings – A September Start for Modelling
It has been a good summer and hopefully most of us will have had some kind of break and will be ready and raring again to get back to work…
It’s Time for Video Feedback
Models Direct are turning it up a notch and asking our models to get their video mode activated. Watch out for our new and improved feedback, coming to a screen…