In this sizzling Summer heatwave are you protecting your skin?? In all the excitement to see the sun and feel the warmth it can be easy to forget to protect…
Family Modelling Hit’s An All Time High!
The Burton Family have done it again…….. The Models Direct Assignments Team often receive modelling jobs asking for real families. But what’s it like modelling as a family? “Yet again…
#LoveIsland chat at Models Direct
As the Love Island craze sweeps the nation, it has by no means bypassed the Models Direct head office! In a busy office like ours, there is plenty of chat …
Fashion Model Vs Commercial Model
Everybody knows about Fashion Models, they are in the press and media constantly and often have celebrity status’s themselves earning thousands, but what about Commercial Models?? What do they earn…
Have You Got What It Takes??
Information and advice is so important when trying to make it in any industry, you really can make your dreams a reality!! Modelling can be an exciting and lucrative career…
5 STAR’s for Models Direct
Google reviews are super important to us here at Models Direct , it’s lovely to hear how our models get on when on assignment and the service they’ve had from…
Models Direct’s ‘TOP TIPS’ when travelling with Toddlers & Children
With the holiday season fast approaching, families are getting super excited about their holiday plans , whether you are visiting family, a city break or a long haul adventure it…
Tired from Modelling??
Modelling can be very tiring, with super long days, repetitive shots or scenes and the obvious hair and make-up time, so these models were pretty delighted to be tucked up…
Top Tips to be your best on an Assignment with Models Direct
Securing an assignment is a very exciting time and if it’s your first assignment it can seem a little overwhelming….. The Models Direct team have put together their top tips…
Q&A with Models Direct – “the fastest paying agency I know”
The Models Direct team receive questions every day from aspiring talent about the modelling and entertainment industry, we always do our best to answer them! Like anything it always helps…