Models Direct’s agents are communicating and building relationships with clients and brands around the world everyday..
How to be a success in the modelling world….!
This blog is packed full of useful information designed to help you fully understand how Models Direct works and be beneficial to you.. What kind of work does Models Direct…
Model Smiles
“Beauty is power; a smile is it’s sword” – John Ray Learning how to smile sounds ridiculous – surely everyone can do it? Models Direct gives you some helpful tips…
What type of model are you??
As we see London Fashion Week draw to a close today you may be asking yourself; “What is the difference between commercial and fashion models??” Or perhaps you didn’t even…
Modelling Trends for 2019
2018 has been a fantastic year for Models Direct and with industry trends continually changing, we are predicting 2019 could be a very exciting year indeed!!
Is Modelling Good For Your Health?
Health and modelling often go hand in hand, with the media continually scrutinizing models figures, whatever their size, it’s hard to know what lengths models will go to to reach…
Whatever the amount, receiving money through the post is ideal, the Models Direct team are always excited to see pics of our models delighted with their earnings!
What’s it like booking Models with Models Direct?
The Assignments Department at Models Direct is a hive of activity and with a room of dedicated Talent Booking Agents talking to clients across the country….it’s noisy!! Client feedback is…
Back to School with Models Direct
As the Summer holidays start to draw to an end, parents may well be taking a big sigh of relief, or perhaps not – how have you survived the Summer…
Parents Survival Tips to your Child’s Audition
If you have recently been watching The Voice Kids, you will understand the emotions parents go through when watching their precious child audition for their dream opportunity…. It can be…