Models Direct’s quest? To bring modelling opportunities to everyone! That vision has been driving our dream for over thirty years, and we continue to enjoy our models’ and clients’ successes….
Different types of modelling
There’s no such thing as a “typical” commercial model. Remember – commercial models are totally different from fashion models. You can read more about suitability of commercial models here, which…
Our male models help challenge the norms and defy expectations in Southampton
Dance is for everyone and it can really help boost mental health! That was the message that some of our male models helped to convey when they took part in…
Everyday models – we need you
Everyday models are everyday people – like you, and all the other readers. That’s why the chances of securing work from us and our clients remains a very real goal…
What are the different model types?
Like any industry, modelling encompasses a wide variety of different areas. So, before you decide whether or not to try modelling yourself, it may be worth considering what you are…
I’d love to be a model – what do I do?
The simple answer is to join a reputable agency such as Models Direct – and let us take on all the hard work for you! Yes, the whole point of…
Making Your Model Application Glow Up
When you whizz your modelling application off into the digital world, it’s hard to know how to make it land with a ping and glow up! Models Direct will let you in…
Female Models
We’ve dedicated this page to answering the most frequent questions asked about female modelling. This trio are so popular that our expert modelling team got scribbling and wanted to share…
Modelling with disabilities
Modelling embraces just about every life experience, with different genres fitting in nicely with diversity. There’s been a stark emphasis on diversity in the media over the last few years….
Are you on Instagram yet?
Models, would-be models and all those interested in the fashion industry are highly likely to be on Instagram already – and if they aren’t, then they should be! There are…