Summer has arrived and with a bit of luck we should have some glorious warm weather stretching ahead of us. We want our models to feel as healthy as possible…
In Summer time caring for your skin is easy – top 10 tips to looking great this season
With the warmer weather should come a few changes to your beauty regime and that includes taking a few steps towards looking after your skin in a slightly different way….
Gain the Upper Hand with Hand Modelling
Hands are always a focal point to adore – be it with the gorgeous nail art we’ve been focusing on lately, adorning them with gorgeous jewellery or adding some permanent…
Keen to be a hair and beauty model? Follow these three winter tips…
Hair and beauty account for a huge and essential part of the modelling industry and certainly offer a multitude of opportunities for anyone keen to break into the business. From…
Mint Condition
Is your hair feeling the effects of lockdown? Without the luxury of visits to our local hair salons your hair may have taken on a new life of it’s own…..
Spring Nails Trends of 2020: What’s New in This Year?
Nails trends are always surprising us with fresh new looks added with a creative twist that will make nails look super funky. So for this year, say goodbye to the…
Doing it alone – How to cope with self-isolation
Though this blog relates to the current pandemic, it can easily be applied to usual day-to-day activities. Models Direct is looking at the now familiar term “self-isolation” – after all,…
Petite Modelling Lowdown: Can Smaller Models Break into the Industry?
Think you’ve got what it takes to be a model? Not just a standard model though, but a petite one? Are you 5′ 3″ or under? You might be surprised…
The Incredible Bulk
How to pile on quality muscle If you’re a model looking to shred excess fat and gain a few pounds of muscle, now is the perfect time to begin your…
Sun, Sea & Vitamin D
Who’s ready for Summer?? The Models Direct team definitely are! The winter in the UK can seem endless, with numerous cold, grey days our bodies are crying out for some…