In this blog, we take a look at how you can capture your child model through photos at Christmas time. Why? Because it’s a lovely way to preserve memories and populate your child’s Models Direct ePortfolio with winter-themed images.

So, what are the best ways to elevate your junior’s photos during the festive period? Would you like it to get noticed by our team and clients? We’ll take a look at some ways you can do this.
Enjoying Christmas activities
There are lots of fun things your child can do at this time – from decorating the Christmas tree to filling up the stockings or writing Santa’s letter and leaving him some milk and cookies. During all these activities, you can capture their emotions and expressions, helping you build a super current portfolio with an Xmas theme.
Take images at their eye level
Your child is likely to be shorter than you in height so if you’re looking to take more engaging images of them, get to their eye level and explore not just Christmas time but other moments too through their perspective.
Festive outfits

There are so many cute outfits your child can enjoy to add to the magical festivities. We’re talking cosy sweaters, red and green colour schemes or Christmas-inspired pj’s. (Maybe you can get your adult version to match with them?)
Bonus ideas: Christmas-inspired earrings, hair accessories and socks.
Make their images dynamic
Instead of your bog standard poses, you can get your junior model to wrap up presents (that’ll help you out too!) and peek out from behind the paper or create a makeshift sledge which they can pretend to navigate. Wherever your imagination takes you, know that unusual and unique images will get your child noticed particularly at the end of the year.
Incorporate iconic Xmas lights
Whether these lights are illuminating in your he or outside on an evening stroll, take snaps of your child with them to enjoy the splendour of this holiday season.

Seeing that we’re in the Christmas spirit, we’ve had our child models get booked with big brands to promote this season such as Sophia and Freya. They were chosen to video call Santa for Sky’s holiday campaign. Here’s some feedback about their experience:
“For their very first job with Models Direct, Sophia & Freya had the amazing opportunity to do a video call with Santa at home. Prior to the project, they were not told and they were delighted to get to speak to Father Christmas.
I on the other hand was briefed by mail from the company and calls with production both the night before and on the morning to go over all the specifics and details for the day. Due to this, the call went really well and Santa was on the phone with both girls for 15 minutes and was very patient with them both as they were very excited. He took time to ask and answer questions and helped unwittingly get the girls to deliver some great content – they even discovered Santa can roll his tongue after asking him.
Afterwards, production made it easy to send over my content and we are looking forward to seeing the finished result. The girls can’t stop talking about it and can’t wait until they get to do another job. Thanks Models Direct!”
This is just one example but there’s plenty where this has come from if you head over to our feedback section!
Models Direct hopes that we’ve given you five useful tips on how to capture your child model’s Christmas images. If you’d like more tips, feel free to reach out to our MD team who’ll be more than happy to help and advice.