Experience and How to Find It

Some ask how are you meant to gain experience if no one is willing to give you a chance. Well, guess what? Modelling does just that! This honestly couldn’t get…

Autumn Looks for Budding Models

As the summer draws to a close, the beauty of falls awaits us. One of the many things Models Direct looks out for is what’s on the fashion scene. Why?…

Tips on Staying Focused

We cannot believe we’re already heading towards the end of the year. How did that happen? Well, such is the nature of time. It keeps ticking and waits for no…

Back to School for Kids and Families

Wow! The school holidays have already come to an end; where has the time gone? We bet you were thinking how on earth you’d get through those six dreaded weeks…

It’s Time for Video Feedback

Models Direct are turning it up a notch and asking our models to get their video mode activated. Watch out for our new and improved feedback, coming to a screen…