Heading off on a very first assignment can be daunting for grown-up male and female models, let alone children or teens! So, it is important to do everything you can…
Could I be a plus-size model?
The world of modelling encompasses an array of different model types and those with an above average clothing size may well be categorised as a plus-size model. Therefore, if you…
A guide to mature modelling this autumn
Summer is behind us, the glorious colours of autumn are appearing and it feels like change is in the air. The time is ripe for a few new beginnings and…
A guide to baby modelling – 10 important things to know
They keep us on our toes but they bring us endless joy – our babies are the most precious things in the world. And if we plan to introduce them…
How do I make the best showreel to promote myself?
Those serious about modelling or acting – even perhaps considering it as a career – could think about making themselves a showreel. A showreel can be an excellent way of…
How do I know if I am suitable for modelling?
If you are wondering whether you are suitable for modelling, then the answer is that you probably are! At Models Direct we specialise in placing everyday models in a wide…
Being a model – what modelling involves and what you can achieve from it
There is nothing else quite like modelling – and no two modelling jobs are ever exactly the same! Modelling with Models Direct is a bit like opening a box of…
Keeping it real – everyday models are everyday people!
Close your eyes and think of a model, any model! OK, my guess is you thought of Kate Moss or maybe Naomi Campbell or Kylie Jenner? Or perhaps the image…
How do I get into modelling?
There are many routes into modelling but the simplest and safest is to join a modelling agency. We have all heard stories of famous models being discovered in unusual ways….
Tips for getting into character for a modelling role
Whether you have just been given your very first modelling assignment or whether you are an old hand at performing for the camera, it is worth preparing for your forthcoming…