Models Direct is on hand to always help our new and existing models and clients. Right here, our specialist modelling team will walk you through the world of baby modelling with our agency so you have a clearer idea of what life with us is like for your baby MD model.
Got a bambino who likes playing peek-a-boo, patty-cake or eyes, nose, mouth? Or maybe all three and some more? We’re so sure that your little one’s face lights up with the brightest and cutest smile whenever you play their favourite games, sign their favourite tune and spend precious time with them.
If you’re thinking of getting your newborn or infant into baby modelling then we’ve rounded up some of the most important points to consider when entering this industry. Let’s take a look:
Choose a fully vetted and government-regulated agency (like Models Direct)
If you’d prefer your baby to be represented by a modelling agency instead of going solo and doing the hard graft yourself, then looking for a reputable one with a proven track record of actively finding babies’ modelling assignments coupled with positive reviews from models and clients alike is essential.
You’ll find help is at hand with Models Direct and even though we never guarantee that your baby will have a steady flow of work, we do guarantee that we will always put them forward whenever our clients call for their look.
Submit the required application details

When you’ve chosen your modelling agency, the next step is to submit your baby’s details and photos. If you choose Models Direct, our registering-a-model online application form is easy and can be completed any time of the day. All you need to do is fill in your baby’s full name, date of birth, gender, parent/guardian’s full name, country of residence, email address, and telephone number and upload a recent headshot (captured in natural light with a neutral, distraction-free backdrop which is highly recommended).
Create a portfolio
Compiling a selection of images of your baby showcasing their different looks and expressions in the form of a portfolio is an important component of being a baby model. We have an online ePortfolio portal which you can access at any time to upload your baby’s images. Our agency will drop gentle reminders for you too.
We know that our clients always want to see recent images, as babies develop and grow so fast, when they request for samples of baby’s work so having a portfolio is a must-have model’s essential document.
Be prepared for short-notice assignments
Being prepped for an assignment at any point is important. Get a bag packed with spares of everything your little one would need on an adventure so that if and when the time arises, you’ll at least have most of the things they’ll need to hand in one place. Sometimes last-minute bookings need to happen and if you agree to go ahead then that bag will come in handy.
Keep up to date with the baby modelling industry

Go online and join baby modelling communities for greater insight, advice and support. Connecting with professionals and other baby model parents or guardians is an excellent means of increasing awareness and knowledge about the industry. It’s always good to be in the know and educate yourself as much as possible with the latest trends and events.
Understand the contract
Sometimes reading the fine print before signing the dotted line can be overlooked, although it really ought not to. Parents and guardians should always understand their baby’s contract and if in doubt, liaise with their agency to demystify queries and have honest and open discussions.
Appreciate the experience
Baby modelling should be a positive experience for both you and your baby. You’ll know if they’re ready for something like this if they’re content and happy to be in the company of others. Of course, you can experience the odd hiccup here and there – babies are after all babies. They have natural demands that need tending to but if they’re generally happy then baby modelling could be perfect for them.
Modelling should be a fun activity for baby and you, but prioritising your babe’s well-being over the pursuit of modelling success should always be the most important thing of all.