Feedback and reviews are very important to us here at Models Direct for many reasons.

Firstly, we love to hear how you have got on during your bookings.
It is important to us to hear how you feel the shoot went, whether you were well looked after and whether it was the experience you were hoping for.
We also need to know if there’s anything you think we could have done better – did you feel you needed more information about what to wear, what to bring or the booking itself?
If you let us know, then this helps us to step up even more when it comes to supporting our models and being there for them throughout the process.
Models Direct was founded over 30 years ago and as such we are one of the most respected model agencies in the business.
We adhere to all government guidelines and, as a genuine employment agency, we are fully vetted and accredited.

Our clients and our models know our team is professional, reliable and completely trustworthy.

What we do ask, however, is that before joining us you have a full understanding of the process of working with us.
Our team members always explain to new models (or their parents if they are children) that we can never guarantee anyone any work.
This is because our clients always make the final choice as to which models they wish to use.

They put in a request to us, we provide them with a selection to look at and then they decide who they want to book.
This does means we always have models on our books who are yet to be employed.
You can improve the chances of being chosen by regularly refreshing your e-portfolio, ensuring all the information and photos on it are up to date.
From time to time, we do get reviews from people wondering why they have not been offered work.
And we always respond to say we are sorry if their expectations haven’t been met but the fact that we can never guarantee work will always have been explained to them.
We know it is frustrating, but unfortunately this is the way the process works – and sometimes whether or not you are chosen really is just down to luck.
The modelling business has evolved greatly over the years and for us to keep pace with it, we need to hear more from those who have actually carried out assignments with us.
That way we can continue to ensure that Models Direct offers the very best service possible for everyone.